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December Newsletter

 Friends of Shalom,

As we are in the midst of Advent, I'm reminded of how it's a season of tension. On the one hand we are looking forward to Christmas, to remembering our Lord's birth and all the beauty of the story. But on the other hand we are longing for his final coming when he will make all wrongs right. In Advent we're invited to be honest about our longings for freedom from cancer, oppression, sin, war, depression, and all the brokenness of the world while at the same time putting our hope in Jesus the shoot from the stump of Jesse (Isaiah 11:1-11). But this is how we always live isn't it? We live in the in-between and in a perpetual Advent of sorts! As Karl Barth said, "What other time or season can or will the Church ever have but that of Advent?"

So we live in the tension. And as a church planter I also live in the tension. I live with a heart of gratitude for all that God has done and is doing in our church while at the same time longing for more. 


  • We held our first Christmas Party and had a sweet time eating and sharing what we've appreciated  being a part of Shalom this last year. 
  • I was able to get a Sunday off from preaching and go on a retreat for a few days!
  • We're in the midst of a doing Midweek Advent Service this month and have already had a few visitors join us for that. 
  • Our catechism class wraps up this week! We've had a wonderful time of growing together in God's word and in community.
  • This weekend we're serving the clients of Scarlet Road (Local Non-Profit that works with survivors of sexual exploitation) during their annual Christmas party by baking deserts. 
  • One family was able to bring their special needs son to church and he was warmly welcomed by everyone. 
  • Our family was able to visit and worship with us Thanksgiving weekend!


  • Please pray for our Midweek Advent Services, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day services that folks would come who are looking for Jesus or a home church.
  • Please pray for financial needs.
  • Please pray that we might continue to share the gospel with our neighbors and friends this Christmas season. 

Financial Update

When it comes to our finances, Shalom has come so far this last year. I've been able to be full time in my work. Our rent has been paid and we've been able to minister to our community. As we head into 2025 we need to grow in our inside and outside giving. Would you consider giving to our year end fund or even becoming a monthly supporter of our church plant? 

Please click on the link and scroll down to our Financial Update with more details of our current needs and opportunities to give. I'm also always available to share more. Thanks!

Year End Financial Update 

Thanks so much for all your prayers and support!

For the Shalom of Kitsap,

Rob and Beth 


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