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New Monthly Update

 Friends of Shalom,

Happy Easter to you all! 

I'm currently writing to you from Salem, Or where Beth and I have been spending the week with our first grandchild! Laura Anne was born on Thursday March 28th to Miriam and Tucker! She's perfect and we're enjoying all the snuggles we can get as well as serving our daughter and son-in-law. 

March was a busy month for us. Here are some updates and prayer needs.

  • We've officially moved to Sunday morning! We celebrated our first Sunday on Easter and will continue to meet on Sunday mornings at 10am. 
  • Our core team had their first gathering without me! I was preaching at Holy Trinity in Edmonds one weekend in March and our team led evening prayer, worship, and our community meal. This is a big deal for a new church! 
  • We received a generous financial gift from City Chapel! City Chapel is one of our supporting churches in Bremerton. Pastor Peter Vorhees along with the whole staff there have been a huge support to me and Shalom since we started. 
  • I got to attend our annual Cascadia Diocese clergy retreat at Mount Angel Abbey for a rich time of fellowship, rest, and of course chanting psalms with the monks. 
  • My ordination to the priesthood is scheduled for Saturday April 13th at 10am. It will be held at the small church where we meet in Old Town Silverdale, 3475 NW Carlton St. 
  • Pray for our new Sunday Gatherings! That folks would see our signs and visit! 
  • Pray for our growth. Specifically for a few more families with kids to join our church planting team! 
  • Pray for our continued financial provision. I'd like to see an additional $1000 of monthly support come in either from supporting churches or individuals. 
Here's a pic from Easter with our new sign!

Thanks again for all your prayers and support. 

For the Shalom of Kitsap,

Rob and Beth 
